Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome to my room...

Well, so just as I've explained, my room is probably the last of me left & is a safe haven for me to indulge in. There's this strange jittery feeling when people enter my room, even if it's just to take a look for awhile. I know it's weird, but I can't help it.

However, at the end of the day, old ways must give way to new circumstances. So let me bring you on a tour of my room.

A brief history first..

This room once housed my maid & grandma while I stayed with my sis in my sis current room. After my grandma passed away my maid took over the room for a few years (till she left). In this room was where I had my ironing 'training lessons', till one day the iron caught fire and I stopped from then on. In here was also where I had my nightly chats with my maid with her bear 'peach bear' and my bear 'can't rmb his name bear'. Well, till she left.

So after she left I took over the room and slept on my grandma's bed. It was a wooden bed with very thin matress. But that's not the issue. The issue was that it had a board at both ends of the bed, so.... I believed it was the one that hindered my growth & that explains why I'm so short! Hehehe..

I think it was in 2005 (after O level, bef poly) that I went on to renovate my room. I wanted the colours green & orange (even the painter say I crazy). Daddy also helped me laminate my floor and they told me I must hand clean my floor because cannot have too much water on it. I also got to plaster my wall as it was cracking (maybe because my room is the side most area of the block). Anyway, it begin cracking soon after also la, but at least I got pretty smooth walls. I was a copycar wrt furniture and I got the same one as my sis. But I was smarter to get a full length mirror (yay!)

So after the not-so-brief history. Here's my room.

After entering the door. This is the view that greets you.

Perhaps similar to what you've seen..

Brining you on an anti-clockwise tour. On the right is this. And the basketball is inside too

Beside it is my vainity cupboard. All the contacts lens and stuff

Then on the lower half is some photo frames. Most pictures from NZ. And in the cupboard below is all my travel stuff

In front of it is a whole lot of soft toys in there..

Now, into my cupboard.. The first 1/3 of it stores alot of errr... stuff... Basically I'm quite paiseh to admit I used to like S.H.E alot & I have alot of their stuff. Ya... And somehow I think it's really embarressing.

The next 2/3 stores clothes. And in the 3 cupboards below. The first is where I store alot of your stuff. Like your mirror and light from phantom. haha.. The second is some notes (I also don't know what else), and the third is underwear.

The next also stores clothes. And on top is my financial planning module notes. And some other stuff I think.

Underused aircon with some stuff on the floor

The view from my room..

Rosie is half-dead.. But feel like preserving her body. My first flower. More to come? :p

My table.. Very messy. Used to be better

The floor is where I stored my files..

The chair where I come home, take off my clothes, and just throw..

My bed.. Thought of arranging them nicely before taking pics, but I think you should see the real state. This is how it looks when I just get up.

One of my proudest installations.. Saw it in ikea against a green wall. So thought I should transport it to my room

Some travel stuff! Haven’t found a place to put the tanker you gave me. Hehe.. Need to clear space.

This is the telephone I use to speak to you every night. The blue one is spoilt de. Can listen, can’t dial. The silver one is the idiotic one that keeps putting down on you. Not me, not me….

Ok, so I've come to the end of my tour. Honestly I'm doing this while messaging you right now. I don't know if this can actually help or salvage anything left right now. But I just want you to know you're the only person I've ever felt so much pain and happiness with and for.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To FutureMe... Bcos the website refuse to accept me!!

So the following is a letter to FutureMe bcos the darn website keeps telling me my internet connection is down just when I want to send it to FutureMe. This letter is private and not meant to be read. So please refrain (even the font colours cannot be changed)
Dear FutureMe,

I am PresentMe. It's funny how I don't know anything about you, but you know everything about me. At the same time, I decide who you are, but you cannot change who I am.

PresentMe has just embarked on a new phrase of life after graduating one year ago. She has begin a new career, got into a new relationship, started to structure and plan out you, FutureMe.

Right now PresentMe is a Financial Advisor & loves her job to a a certain extent. Her worries are financial stability, career prospect and self discipline. She would like FutureMe to having at least $50k in GR, and mostly in investments rather than insurance. Are you there yet?

PresentMe now also has a girlfriend who introduced her to FutureMe. PresentMe feels inadequate and doesn't feel like she meets up to her girlfriend's expectations & feels that she deserves better. However, PresentMe is selfish. She doesn't want to give her up. PresentMe knows that she can't live without MQ and it'll be absolutely heartbreaking for her. PresentMe hopes FutureMe will be more confident in relationships, be more observant to her girlfriend's likes/dislikes and hopes that she can be someone her girlfriend can rely on. Are you there yet?

PresentMe also has a family who doesn't know she is gay. She is scared that they find out as her parents will get very upset. But she wants her girlfriend to be included in her life. PresentMe is very confused and doesn't really have much hope about FutureMe.

On a personal level, PresentMe is relatively happy, but knows she has alot of areas to improve on & feels like she hasn't reached her full potantial.

Let's see what FutureMe has to say about PresentMe one year later. See you dude!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

5th month into my job...

It's pretty much a nightmare right now.. I feel stuck btwn responsibility, overcoming fear, stability, etc.

Things have come to a standstill, and somehow I feel that I have to leave. But what about cases that are pending? What about the people I've promised I'd follow up with them?

Platform is good. But perhaps sales might not be entirely for me..