Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The straight route

While speaking to you yest about Fel's marriage, once again I started to ponder, if I could choose to be straight, would I?

I sometimes thought being straight was the solution to the problems brought about by being gay. But as I look around me.... How many unions fall into the perfect fit of how life stages or partners should be like?

Take Fel.. Yes, she's straight and married a man. But does this mean it gets everyone's blessings? No. I've always looked up to this girl. Every obstacle around her is huge. But she overcomes it with a stronger determination than ever.

LK... Married a girl 3 yrs his senior, and everything was in place way before he sat for his exams or found a job.

Mitz.. Her first ROM wasn't attended by her parents. Too young, different religion, smokes... I'm not sure what else there is. Similarly, a very determined girl. I'm just glad the entire family was there on her wedding.

Tric.. Honestly, me here is also biased against the guy. But I know he loves her & they've been tog for quite some time.. Quite obviously her parents don't like him. But she's been trying to let them meet I guess.

So in conclusion! Being straight solves no problems!

I can't confidently say if I could choose I'll choose to be gay. But I'll no longer cast it in stone that I'll wanna be straight.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today I learn a new word.... 'youthful idealism'