Thursday, September 29, 2011

So What's Up?

Long time since I last blogged.. At least about happy stuff.. haha..

Title is a little misleading, as I've really been up to nothing lately. LoL..

Right now looking at Hantu trip, Phuket--Krabi trip...

I'm pretty glad in our relationship we still have things to talk about, laugh about, poke fun at each other about.. Maybe should cut down on the (excessive) eating though :p

I always thought 1 year would be a pretty long time to see another person and I'll just get bored of it.. But amazingly (and luckily) not... hehe.. Seeing you still makes me grin :)

I love how you called me 'dear dear' a few days back, then said 'I love you' :)

Remember how you surprised me with the rose :)

Was thinking about the massive amounts of pets you have/had. Haha.. Mossy, tadpole, ants, guinea pigs, prawns...? (I missed out any?)

Looking forward to go diving with you.. Travelling with you.. Hehe.. I have donut chip beside me now..

I'm feeling good today. Happy I saw you. Although u slept and didn't text me! Hehe.. Goodnight baby... My toad voice will wake u up again :)

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