Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

A scary day it was exactly 3 years ago. I remember clearly how the bad news was broken. How I carried on going to school, sitting for exams, coming back home, all in a daze. I guess I never fully accepted the true till many days later.

Three years on, the memories of you still linger. The wish that you were still around still holds. The promises once made still unfulfilled. But on a broader outlook, perspectives have changed. Instead of mulling over the loss of a future together, I'm extremely grateful that you've ever been a great part of my life. Thanks for all the joy and laughter, care and concern you've ever given to me.

1 comment:

  1. So deep in thoughts at night. No wonder you can't sleep -.-"

    Sounds like you are growing and moving forward...
