Thursday, May 16, 2013

I love you.. The first and last time you will ever hear it and I will ever say it. Goodnight

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2 may 2013

Bcos it represents my love for you....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

9 April 2013

I cried and said that it might be the last time I'm ever meeting you. What I was crying for was the lost of us... The frankness... The happiness... The freedom of speech that I felt when I was with you...

You once said I might be the one to teach you about love. Don't, don't ever learn. It's painful and torturous. A deep dark tunnel once in you can never get out from.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I love you... My baby...

Monday, April 1, 2013

1 April 2013

Because I'm suffering... I need you. I want you. I realize you're a person I can't live without.

Goodnight, I love you

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

26 march 2013


Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 march 2013

To myself,

If you love her, let her go. It's ok.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

7 march 2013

I wish I could tell you about my bike session just now. Wish you would wish me good luck for tomorrow. I wish you were here... With me.... Like you always had.

Should I have asked you to leave? I thought it would be what's best. But I realized... Maybe I used what was best for me and insist it must work for you.

When I saw you the other day. I felt like I want to change my mind. I wanted to ask you to come back. Talk to me. I miss you. It's rare to find someone you can be yourself with. I've let her go. Now I've let you go as well.

Is the real me so bad? So bad that I had to let two lovely girls go?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

While I was packing, I came across alot of things you gave to me... At least I know I once meant that much to you. I care for you. I love you. And while I think the way our relationship turned out would have a lot of impact on my next relationship, I can say there was no regrets in putting in everything  I could ever give. Thank you for ever being there and hopefully, we can one day be friends again...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not feeling well again today. I miss you. Love you dear

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lose, losing, lost

Why do I feel like I've just been through another breakup...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

14 feb 2013

I loved the person that I was. But I had to let her go cos she'd hurt me so bad. Now I need to find another side of me that I love and will remain lovable in good times and bad.

There's her, there's me, there's you. I know who I need to let go to live. But can I do it?

Happy valentines day :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Happy new yr to you! The once upon a time proud owner of nemo!


Friday, February 8, 2013

7 feb 2013

If loving you is wrong, then my heart just doesn't wanna be right

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

6 feb 2013 - keys

Today found a set of keys in a bag I almost threw away. It was fino's keys which you passed me some time back. It came with a whistle that contains a note saying I have the keys cos I'm the chosen one.

It was so funny that after a long while after getting it then i realized it wasn't a plain keychain and actually contained a note.

Sweet memories. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 Feb 2013 - Is that it?

Our lives were linked. Then we broke up. Then.... will we become strangers? Two people who once shared a life.. Is that it?

Staying at home isn't a good idea is it...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

1 feb 2013

I miss you really really much. When will this end?

Sometimes I think of putting an end to all this misery. What's the point? I'm not happy to see you happy. I'm not happy you've moved on without me. But I want to see you happy and to be moving on. Am I just crazy or what!?

Is life all about happiness? No, I don't think so. But pointless misery is just stupid. Get over and done with!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

26 Jan 2013 - I met you again

So I met you again. And I realise I miss you. I miss the times I could tell you all about my day

I had dinner with a friend on Fri evening. We had out early dinner plans postponed a few times bcos both of us couldn't get off work. Then went prawning with another friend. Went back quite late that night..

Sat I got up early to go buy a bicycle and makan breakfast. Then headed down to changi village to book bike and ferry. For some reasons we didn't book either, so proceed to head back. Legs hurt.. Wrong posture? No stamina? Road too tough? Hmm...

Evening time went out for D&D and met you. You look good. We sat across the table. Maybe a good thing so I can't harass you. lol. I'm not sure if you are just as keen to see me or talk to me.

Drank 2 glasses of wine and 1 champagne. Effects setting in now by making me very tired! haha.. It was a fun dinner and I guess good to see you after almost more than a month.

It will get better. Will get better....

In the meanwhile, Goodnight, I love you. I miss you.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 Jan 2013

This has been a hectic week for me. Been going home late. I also miss you alot.... somehow... Is this considered a relapse?

Somehow there's just this nagging feeling inside of me that I won't ever fully let you go. That you will always remain that person close to my heart. But I'm not sure if you feel the same way... Seems like you have moved on just fine and maybe I'm just a friend now. But yet, that is the way it's supposed to be right? Hmmm...

A little bit trapped here and there. Obstacles. Staying. Leaving. Decisions. Commitment.

There's always this saying that we never end up with the person we love the most. Not that we settle for second best I guess. Just that the special person isn't the final one.

I logged in to your blog and read through it. There was this once upon a time where you ever felt an urge to be with me. To be overwhelmed with love. Maybe that's just enough...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

19 Dec 2013


It's been 3.5 months since the day we parted. I'm still holding on to the possibility of you holding my hand once more. Cuddling me in your arms once more. Kissing me once more. Am I silly?

I do wonder if we parted on bad terms, would it be easier to let go? I left because I love you. And I love myself. And now I find it so difficult to let go of that love, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have had to let you go. Ironic huh?

There's someone else. Someone who was with me when you no longer could be. And my existence hurts her. I don't want to.

I wish you were here to hug me as I shed these tears... I love you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

18 jan 2013 - It's a Friday!

It's a friday night and I'm stuck at home. Not even exhausted after a day of work - was on MC for the day. Fever, soar throat, runny nose. Wasn't a good week with nothing much achieved.

Mum had a fall yesterday and bumped her head bad. Bumphead parrotfish lookalike ya.. I sent in my payment for the mountain climb today. Looks like after a long while it's finally confirmed. This mountain has been eluding me for years... and honestly, brought alot of sorrow to me.. Time to do up a training plan!

Went back to the same doctor that I visited when I couldn't find any others that were open. The clinic is nice and modern. There's a proper queue system and the doctor is nice. I was only charged $16 for this second visit. But boohoo... I'm not cured...

Today went out to celebrate gui gui's birthday. I think it's quite crazy for my family. Anyway, we ordered pineapple rice, tahu telor, beancurd, mango sticky rice, some prawn thingy, green curry... Potent food for my throat seriously! Drank lots of water and sleep alot today...

I've been cracking my fingers in a funny way recently. hehe.. Been pulling them instead of folding them as usual. Seems fun :p

I thought of you just now. Was watching the channel 8 drama about parallel universe and how people from this dimension gets transported into another parallel universe where there is a yourself living there. Their lives may not be the same as yours due to different circumstances. And I was thinking... If I ever went to that universe and could live with you over there. I will never want to come back here again. I'll choose to leave everything here so I can be with you again.. Well, provided the you over there wants to as well.

Tomorrow will likely head to the dragon kiln to see the firing. Wonder how my penguin sculptures are doing? Still standing tall? Handcrafted by me! It was fun. Actually pottery was something I wanted to try out many years ago. haha. A pottery course maybe? :)

So the trip in March is to be cancelled. Should I cancel my leave or take the chance to head to elsewhere? Life is full  of uncertainties huh. Always never assume, be ready for last min changes. Thought of cameron for the cool weather, but it might be too memorable for me. haha.. Genting? Or Cambodia/Vietnam? Hmm...

What started out as a short post turned real long. haha. This is me. Me and my random blabber. That I could go on and on... but I'll still end with this. Goodnight! I love you!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

17 jan 2013

Froggy still sits with me every night. A reminder of the times we once had. A reminder that you're not so far away from me. Froggy makes me happy and sad. I love him because I love you.

I'm not feeling well today. Soar throat. Running nose. I think I might develop a fever tomorrow. So much back log at work.

Ok goodnight! I love you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I dreamt u hugged me and we just cried together. I miss you

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12 jan 2013 - karting!

Go kart. Lost way. Reached really late. Someone got injured. I skidded twice. The first and second kart was normal. The third was really powerful. My elbows hurt from controlling it. Had Korean food for lunch. Went to ksl to collect my contacts. Had cinnamon sugar pretzel sticks. Was a jam on the way back to sg. Back home warmly in bed now :)

I heard your name today. It does bring out some emotions. Miss u. Goodnight

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 jan 2013

I finally understand what it means when she said no matter how much u like the job when u join, after awhile, it makes no difference.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 jan 2013 - I know I'm not done

Today I heard from you again. Seems like a long while since the last time. I realize I'm not over you yet. That joy of seeing your name on screen, the need to put down everything to reply you. All these tells me so. How long more will this take?

Tomorrow will be a tough long day. Got a presentation in Chinese! Hmm.

Goodnight. I miss you today.

9 jan 2013

Good morning! Today's gonna be a long day. But I'm gonna make it!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

5 jan 2013 - batam

Gonna head off soon! This is really early. Haha.

Sometimes we get really caught up with what we've done. Maybe we overlook or think too small of the efforts by others. Maybe the measure of a worth is not by the amount or outcome, but by how much u gave of yourself.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Calm? Storm?

Is the worst over? Or is this the calm before the storm? Heading off tomorrow... Without you with me... First in a very long time. I'll miss you.. I love you

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2 jan 2013


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1 Jan 2013 - New Year!

Happy new year to you :) What are you doing today? Tomorrow will be the beginning of another year for you. Hope you're all prepared to face the challenges! I always trusted you could... And I still do.