Friday, January 18, 2013

18 jan 2013 - It's a Friday!

It's a friday night and I'm stuck at home. Not even exhausted after a day of work - was on MC for the day. Fever, soar throat, runny nose. Wasn't a good week with nothing much achieved.

Mum had a fall yesterday and bumped her head bad. Bumphead parrotfish lookalike ya.. I sent in my payment for the mountain climb today. Looks like after a long while it's finally confirmed. This mountain has been eluding me for years... and honestly, brought alot of sorrow to me.. Time to do up a training plan!

Went back to the same doctor that I visited when I couldn't find any others that were open. The clinic is nice and modern. There's a proper queue system and the doctor is nice. I was only charged $16 for this second visit. But boohoo... I'm not cured...

Today went out to celebrate gui gui's birthday. I think it's quite crazy for my family. Anyway, we ordered pineapple rice, tahu telor, beancurd, mango sticky rice, some prawn thingy, green curry... Potent food for my throat seriously! Drank lots of water and sleep alot today...

I've been cracking my fingers in a funny way recently. hehe.. Been pulling them instead of folding them as usual. Seems fun :p

I thought of you just now. Was watching the channel 8 drama about parallel universe and how people from this dimension gets transported into another parallel universe where there is a yourself living there. Their lives may not be the same as yours due to different circumstances. And I was thinking... If I ever went to that universe and could live with you over there. I will never want to come back here again. I'll choose to leave everything here so I can be with you again.. Well, provided the you over there wants to as well.

Tomorrow will likely head to the dragon kiln to see the firing. Wonder how my penguin sculptures are doing? Still standing tall? Handcrafted by me! It was fun. Actually pottery was something I wanted to try out many years ago. haha. A pottery course maybe? :)

So the trip in March is to be cancelled. Should I cancel my leave or take the chance to head to elsewhere? Life is full  of uncertainties huh. Always never assume, be ready for last min changes. Thought of cameron for the cool weather, but it might be too memorable for me. haha.. Genting? Or Cambodia/Vietnam? Hmm...

What started out as a short post turned real long. haha. This is me. Me and my random blabber. That I could go on and on... but I'll still end with this. Goodnight! I love you!

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