Thursday, December 16, 2010


I've resorted to password protect my phone. I've resorted to deleting my browser history everytime after use. I am contemplating on putting a password on my lappy. I'm contemplating on taking along a key of a cupboard that I keep some don't-wanna-expose stuff.

I don't want to resort to having to take my phone to the toilet everytime I pee. I don't want to have to leave home to survive. I don't want my safest place to turn into the most dangerous one.

I don't know if I'm over-reacting. I don't know if I'm over-thinking things. I don't know how to keep this secret.
It takes strength to fit in, it takes courage to come out
It takes strength to lie, it takes courage to say the truth

Sunday, December 12, 2010


There are seldom moments I wished I was a superhero. But today I definitely wished I was. The breaking point came when dad called to ask me to bring his guitar dwn to him. I wished I could.. Since the car was home and sorts... but sleepiness and the 'Things to do' list absolutely overwhelmed me. As considerate as ever he would say 'its's ok'. But how ok is ok when as a daughter I've done nothing really much to even match up to a tiny fraction of how he has provided for me in these 20 odd years? I wished I was superman...

I tossed and turned after that call and definitely couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to get some stuff done up and I'm wondering how I ever got myself into such a mess. Literally. I'm too much of a hoarder I feel like I'm burying myself alive. When I can't get off the bed with my feet on the floor, I think that's too much. Too much. I wished I was Wall-E.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Never say never

As I look at my AFP cert I marvel at how life unfolds.

Back then in 2007 I ever wondered what's the point of going through so much trouble and spending $ on taking a course that will never be beneficial to me work-wise. I thought I would never have the opportunity to use the AFP mark and more interestingly, I sweared I would never sell insurance.

It's funny how life seems to have a life on its own. I guess mindsets are possible to change somehow.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Come Back

Come back

Come back

Come back

Come back

Come back

Come back

Come back

Come back!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Be optimistic

Be optimistic

Be optimistic

Be optimistic

Be optimistic

Tears will not lead me out of my sadness, but optimism of the future can.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

So how far have I gone?

All these months and all the 'training', how far have I gone? Idk. Honestly, I don't feel I've progressed much. I don't feel the sense of capability to do well in the job. Probably in a couple of weeks I would be able to get my license. But the main question is 'then what?' Where do I go next?

All these while I've been picking up things here and there. At the end of the day I feel like I'm going nowhere. I need to work in sequence. An orderly manner that's productive. I feel like as if my emotions are on a roller coaster.

Why doesn't money just drop from the sky? I really hate living days like that.... I guess to a certain extent money can really buy me happiness. Take away my tears and misery please...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can" - Martin Luther King

Monday, November 15, 2010

When you're young, you're idealistic. As you grow older, you become more realistic.

What is it that sets aside great people from the mediocre masses? What propels them to have beliefs so strong they're willing to sacrifice their lives? What keeps them going when the future is bleak? What keeps them pushing even when they no longer have control over their movements? What role does the family have to play in their greatness? Why don't they ever reach a point of saying 'enough failure is enough'? Why have they never succumbed into leading a mediocre (read: peaceful & stable) life? Where do they get such strength from?

Kids are urged to 'be realistic'. But idealism is the forefront of change. And everything's changing.
Must keep my sanity in check. The thought of seeing you in 20hours just made me cry. How am I ever going to survive another one week?!?!?! But on a sidenote, it's amazing me just how much a person can ever mean to me. Just you is enough for me. I can't multitask.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm starting to feel miserable again. The financial pressures are taking a toll on me, so much so that I lost my temper with mum just now. I don't know if I can survive the critical 6months/2yrs in this industry when I'm feeling like this now.

LK got a $3.5k job. Add in bonuses, CPF, staff benefits.... All the opportunity costs... Is it worth it?


Baby's sick and injured now. So far away from me... I miss you..
Aung San Suu Kyi 'released'

Could be happy news. But obviously everyone's cautious about it. Hence the "

Friday, November 12, 2010

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

Negative thoughts are like looking for a black cat in a dark room when the cat isn't even there

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A :) on my face!

I'm happy baby and aud all gave in to me eventually. Now I'm headed for a trip with them and it's a happy me again :D

On a sidenote, mum might not be too pleased to know 'taking care of myself' involves throwing sandy shoes into her spanky clean dryer.

Been going to office everyday since Monday. I guess I've been slacking around way too much the past few months. This is honestly taking quite a toll on me. I'm constantly sleepy and I feel like I'm absorbing lesser and lesser each day. But I know I must succeed... For I have a mountain climbing trip to pay for!

Health Insurance

The upgrade from MediShield can be provided from quite a couple of private insurers.

Aviva: Good for families
NTUC: Good for those who don't need 100% coverage
AIA: Good for those who want 100% coverage

Get it right, from the start.

Because it is risky to change insurer halfway through. Insurers do not cover pre-existing illnesses, regardless whether it is diagnosed or not.

Eg: B purchases an NTUC health insurance and decides to switch over the AIA. One month after the switch, B suffers a heart attack. Neither NTUC nor AIA will pay out on the policy because a heart problem could not possibly have developed within the past one month and therefore, was deemed to be a 'pre-existing' illness, despite the fact that B knew nothing about it.

Sad start to a new day

Woke up this morning with a heavy heart. It seems like something's stuck in there and I can't take it out. Even froggy's presence ain't cheering me up. I'm feeling disappointed with myself that I'm not putting you first and letting stupid thoughts get into my head. But am feeling abit contridicted. I like your anything goes character, but wonder what I do that can ever make u upset. Or is it a case of having no expectations of me so everything's so ok... In any case, you said it's fine and I'll probably try to take it at face value. Frankly speaking, I don't feel good over here and I want you back with me... I thought this week was busy and would be bearable. Apparently not. I miss u..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3rd Day

Never intended to head to KK without you. Received Aud's msg early in the morn and didn't bother to reply since I was pretty sure I didn't want to go (since it wasn't the sch hols). But while in the train heading out for dinner, I don't know why I suddenly recalled what you said and I started feeling really unhappy and insecure... Maybe out of rebellion... Maybe out of anger.. Maybe to convince myself I don't really need you.... I decided to just go ahead with her. I thought it would be easy to convince myself it's ok. But apparently it's not, because the thoughts of u are constantly lurking somewhere in my head. My most desired option is to be there with u.. And now I'm trying to do the damage control.

The flight hasn't been paid for yet. Please just don't brush me aside with an 'it's ok. u go ahead. i'll find company' comment. Gonna hurt real bad. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed tonight. Hope to hear from u when u wake up.

I want to be yours and no one else's.

The third day without you feels bad..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Training Day 2

The insurance model would touch on 3 main aspects: Protection, Savings, Investment

One way to manage the funds would be the BTIR [Buy Term Invest the Rest] model.
- Purchase a term life insurance, which is significantly cheaper then the other policies. as an example, my whole life policy p.a. costs $1200. For the same amt of death and TPD coverage, term will cost <$300.
- Invest the savings

- Probably lower distribution costs
- No conflict of interests. Can still keep insurance while redeeming investments.
- Allows client to be adequately insured at affordable premiums

- Don't have Critical Illness coverage
- Requires discipline [no premium holidays, client has to make sure he sets aside the difference for savings/investment]
- Premiums might increase year on year
- Buyer has to be very clear on what he wants. Many give up on term insurance because of the feeling of paying for 'nothing'.

Second way is to purchase a WL plan. WL combines protection and savings element. There is a guaranteed return every year and it keeps accummulating until eventually it will be more than the premiums paid.

- Creates an immediate estate
- Payout definitely exceed premium [eg. $1200 p.a. limited premium for 15yrs with coverage of $80,000]
- cover is for whole life
- covers critical illness and TPD [subject to rider]
- client may redeem policy for cash value if he needs it [not advisable - a WL plan is meant primarily for whole life]

- expensive. May be unaffordable for some.
- Some are of the view savings and protection should be kept seperately.
- When redeeming cash value, protection ceases.
- Lower rate of return as compared to endowment

Third way is Invesment-Linked Policy [ILP]. This combines investment and protection. Clients are able to add on riders.

- Convenient. Buy one, settle two aspects.
- Covers Critical Illness [subject to rider]

- High distribution costs
- Increasing premiums [might be unsustainable in the long run]
- Some companies may cease protection when investment ceases [and people seldom keep one investment for life]

Monday, November 8, 2010


我 = me
心 = heart
胸 = chest
狭窄 = narrow
一个 = one
你 = you
就够了 = is enough

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why do I feel?

Like I don't want this family

Like I don't want my friends

Like I don't want my job

Like I don't want this woman I like

Like I don't want my life

This feeling of inability is robbing me of my happiness and I can't find a way out

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hopes and dreams keep us alive.

Pain reminds us that we're only human.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Some things so simple yet so sweet :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Screwed Up

So I'm officially a certified IT idiot when I clicked the 'restore' button on my iTunes.

Now it seems as though I've gone back into the past with a Taiwan map I saved while planning for that trip months ago.

I'm a creature of routine and I love my apps in the same place as they were yesterday. But on the other hand, I've always been one to live with inconveniences rather than take the trouble to make life easier (先苦后甜). I'm trying to kick this habit and am glad that I've taken the step to adjust (at least) my main page today! Will see how far I go.

Lost some important contacts, pictures, SMSes, notes, etc. Some things I'll acquire back over time. Others, I'll keep them in my memory for as long as possible.

On a sidenote, this has made me realise my over reliance on the ip -.-

Monday, September 20, 2010


-space reserved till I bother to upload the pics-

Friday, September 17, 2010


Indonesia Diving
Wreck Diving
6 Dives
LOB departing from SG
Weekend trip

Thursday, September 16, 2010


With Bee-Bee bringing me back to a past I haven't dug up for quite some time, I started reflection on the bad old days

For the first time in years I stuck out my tongue at myself and took a good look at it. This thing that once caused such low self-esteem, I've come to accept it as a part of me. Maybe when one has never experienced perfection, we're more accepting of imperfection.

If I could go back to my past, I'd ask 'What's so bad about being different?'

Maybe I was never one to want to stand out from the crowd. So I just wanted to be equal, normal, mediocre. But as time goes by, we discover more and more about ourselves. At certain points, we might realise that some part of us just simply belongs to a smaller % of a population that we are defined by.

True to myself, I wanted treatment. Appointment after appointment. Medication after medication. Day after day.... What we simply need is acceptance. Acceptance of a condition that has no known cure.

Wikipedia says that only 2% of a population have geographic tongue. Everyone is a minority in some way or another. What's yours?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

我知道我很幸福,但有时还是会渴望多一点。 不过希望到最后,总会带来失望。

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The crazy nights have passed, the tears have dried, the memories have blurred, the love has faded

The nights I once thought I could never get through have passed

The tears that used to stain my cheeks have been wiped dry

The memories that once caused the greatest pain have blurred

The intense love I once had has faded

The amazing thing about time is that it can change alot. But it can never erase history.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I don't need to be the best. All I'm asking for is to at least be average.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Standing Up

How often do we have the courage to stand up for what we think is right?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally, Officially a Grad!

A few hours after I last said that I did not wish I failed, I finally got my wish. I guess alot of things fell in place nicely so that I could somehow be thankful for my results a little more.

Award Classification:
BSc Business: Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

The overall grading was realistic enough. But looking beyond, 3 out of 4 subjects just didn't meet my expectations. It's a little strange how my predictions can always be totally off. I know I'm lucky to get through, but don't we all just hope for a little more...

Results Tally:

Black Sheep

PSOC: 37
ICP: 40

Grey Sheep

ESAP: 54
POA: 57
FR: 58

White Sheep

HRM: 63
MSM: 64
Mkting: 65

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fate vs Me

In the Games, we always have X vs X. In life, we have Fate vs Me.

Was so dying to catch at least one match in the YOG. Would have been the first sporting event I ever went to.

Alas, fate won. It decided I shouldn't be there.

Responsibility and Commitment

Used to be very afraid of graduating from university because I felt that upon doing so, one would be burdened with alot of responsibilities and commitments. I felt that life would no longer be carefree and would thus, lose its meaning. Like living for the sake or living/working. Did even entertained thoughts of secretly wishing I would fail examinations so that I need not graduate. I just did not want to grow up.

However, in the recent days, my thoughts seem to be going through a process of change. Suddenly, it feels like I actually want to take on some reponsibility - at least for myself. The desire to be able to provide for oneself financially, the desire to have a good career, the desire to feel that I have something to be proud of.... Eventually I do hope to be worthy enough to be able to provide for another.

The only constant is change...

and now... I do not wish to fail.....

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Sat at Pasir ris park for a record 4hours. This has probably been the longest time I've ever sat at the beach alone. Just listened to the waves, played scrabble & solitaire. Somehow I wished I could stay there all night long. The moment I get home and close the door, I end up choked in tears. I don't know where my problem lies, all I know it's not something barley can cure.

"Yeah and its over before you know it,
it all goes by so fast
Yeah the bad nights take forever
And the good nights don't ever seem to last"

Friday, August 20, 2010

Everything's feeling strange

Things are starting to feel really really odd. Is it just me or what?

Haven't really been staying home much and a few days back things just started to feel really weird. I started to feel the tension between me and dad, seemingly like I am a huge disappointment to him. Towards my sis, I feel that she's kinda disgruntled about the fact that she needs to work while I'm not. Can't speak to her like before. Even the silence starts to feel different. In the friendship arena, some people are just starting to feel like strangers, as if everything has been just an illusion.

Is it my inadequacies at work? Or time really moves faster than I can keep up with?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


"Passion is what gets us started, habit is what keeps us going"

Was emailing Evonne about my choice of work this morning. Like most others, she was skeptical but told me it would be good to get started somewhere till I find something I really like doing. But her next sentence really got me thinking... 'but can tell u... even if u find smethng u like to do now.. few yrs later... u will still dread gg to work.... its just part and parcel of it..'

I don't really know how to continue this entry, but was thinking with regards to work and relationships. Why we try so hard for. Why we fight so hard for.

Monday, August 16, 2010

+ & -

We have learnt that when a (+) meets a (-), the end result will always be (-)

So how do we use positive thoughts and encouragement to dispel the negative ones? How not to let the (-) rule the situation?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crossroads without traffic lights

Life has probably been like a highway for me. Everything so nicely mapped and planned out, all I needed was to step the accelerator and move forward. There were the occasional slight bends and road works, but nothing really drastic.

After travelling such smooth and well-paved roads, it is time to take the nearest exit. Everything out there is funny and different. The speed limit drops, the roads have potholes, there are traffic lights, other vehicles to look out for......

And then I approach a crossjunction without traffic lights. No green or red, no clear indication whether I should stop or proceed. Left, right, straight? Fear grips the soul....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

A scary day it was exactly 3 years ago. I remember clearly how the bad news was broken. How I carried on going to school, sitting for exams, coming back home, all in a daze. I guess I never fully accepted the true till many days later.

Three years on, the memories of you still linger. The wish that you were still around still holds. The promises once made still unfulfilled. But on a broader outlook, perspectives have changed. Instead of mulling over the loss of a future together, I'm extremely grateful that you've ever been a great part of my life. Thanks for all the joy and laughter, care and concern you've ever given to me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life cycle

14 family members. After 4 passed away....

Best close up of little tadpole I could get

After n days, the hind legs start growing

Front legs start growing too. But tail still attached. They are still able to swim quite gracefully
Lo and behold!!! A handsome, young frog!

Nonsense post

After a record 5 dives, I've got a new record of 4 posts in a day!

My fascination

Maybe nothing much to do with speed, but more of the freedom it represents. Charging forward without any baggage holding it back.


Today was made to list down some goals I would like to achieve in future. Just wanna blog it down to see if I eventually will....

1. Work-life balance
2. Own a car/motorcycle (although i put /, what I really wanted was 'AND')
3. Go backpacking (to NZ - still can't take my mind off this beauty)
4. Stable job

The not listed down ones probably will be

5. Own a property (I'm happy staying with my family now. But just in case there's someone I wanna spend my life with, then this will be necessary)
6. Become a dive master (not really wanting to be a leader. But I guess reaching this step means I've accomplished some stuff like perfecting my buoyancy, etc.)
7. Go on a turtle/marine conservation trip at least once

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life and its challenges

I believe that everyone is a minority in some way or another. Some visually obvious, others not. Some allow this 'handicap' to get the better of them, others make it seem like there's nothing different about them, so much such that it makes you, the 'normal' party, feel awkward about thinking that they're indeed different.

Was on a dive trip over the weekend. There was a guy among the dive group that had one arm half the length of the other. He was with his family, was guiding his son in diving, was an underwater photographer, lifted the tanks with so much more ease then I could manage. He was a good father, a good husband, a good photographer and made good company. I struggled to explain how he was indeed 'different'.

A teacher once said, the eyes are the worst judge, only time will tell.

Friday, August 6, 2010


When I was young, I always wanted to grow up. I believed that with knowledge, I would be empowered with solutions to problems.

As I grew up, I realised I only gained knowledge of problems I have no solution to -.-"

Happy 45th Birthday!

National day's round the corner...

I cannot phantom how life was like 45 years ago when the smallest nation in the world declared independence.

May I have the diligence and courage of our forefathers to one day leave a legacy I can be proud of.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Took a long walk with my sis today. And honestly, despite her weirdness and not-so-occassional constant blabbering, I think I'm blessed to have her as my sis. Someone I can sit in silence with, someone who ain't petty, someone who's occasionally generous, someone I can ask to shut up but will never take it to heart....

A few years back I came to the conclusion that, at the end of the day, family will always be there with me, for me. Will they?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Almost 3 years on

'I took for granted all the times I thought would last somehow'

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dreams.. the lack of it...

and the things that prevent us from accomplishing them...

It's much easier to let the wildest dream fade then set out to accomplish them

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Taiwan

Are you on the cards right now? How much will it cost to visit you? Do I get to ride a motorcycle, bicycle, dive? Alone, in a pair or with family? Dear Taiwan....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The price of inflation

When did photocopying and laminating become so exorbitantly expensive?!

Farewell $54.....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A little pain today

The little splinter that resulted in teeth-clenching pain...